Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones
Filmmaker | Motion Designer | Producer

Meet Christopher 👋

Here’s a photo of Christopher with his childhood dog; his name was Ozzy.

Christopher is deeply passionate about video and photo production, and his more than 15 years in the production space has taken him across the country, the world, and into the mattress, fitness, cosmetics, home goods, and tech spaces.

He also runs a media company, Fantastic Films, which produces documentary and narrative films.

Christopher currently resides in Seattle, but travels across the country to work with clients.





Christopher looks for the human side to every story: how are we making peoples’ lives better, whether with a product, a lifestyle, or an app.

With cinematography, light, design, and story, we can believe in the possibility of building a better world.



Christopher owns a fully equipped production suite, capable of provides video services that aligns with whatever his client’s needs are. He prefers to shoot with Sony Cinema line cameras for video, and utilizes Leica stills cameras for photography work

Please contact for additional goods and services details.


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